
The life cycle of the product is evaluated from the original acquisition of raw materials through recycling and final disposal.3 Each of these phases will be examined, using examples from Victor's writings and other objects found throughout the world, to better understand the value of responsible design. Finally, examples from each area will allow for a personal assessment of the Audubon project, in which an existing building was renovated to provide offices for the Manhattan chapter.

The use of an object gives it a reason for being, whether a tool, a symbol, or a method of communication. Victor explains, "A ballpoint pen shaped and colored like a pickle and made of a creepily [sic] yielding plastic is a tawdry perversion of design use."4 As a better direction of use, he assembled a cross-disciplinary team to develop a low cost version of the artificial voice box for esophageal cancer patients. (3) They repackaged the voice mechanism of the robot so that it would suit the user. Victor writes,

‘It was a great temptation to distribute the toy
itself, but the number of respectable people of a certain age who are willing to hold a brightly coloured robot to their throat is reassuringly small.’5
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