Target Market
The target markets for the portable storage holster are children
in the age range of 12-18. The price range would be in the mid-price
category. The decision was made to market to this price range due
to the fact that funds are limited by low income jobs or by allowances
of parents.
To enter the portable storage market and gain a share of the market
in the price range and age category. Variations in materials would
be matched to the specific activities of the users.
The positioning of the holster would be in the area of fashion.
As a trendy accessory with the use of colors, patterns, and different
materials, the concept would appeal to a practical and fashionable
young audience.
The holster is different from our competitors in the ease of access
that the design enables. Another issue would be social awareness
of a product that is for everyday items rather than for guns. In
this way the usage is redefined to create a positive connotation.